Call for Papers

Elbsides is a community computer security event, and we want to include security professionals, software engineers, students, researchers and visionaries. The conference gathers the security community in one event to share and discuss novel ideas, initiatives and advancements. We are open to all relevant topics in the field of computer security. If you are a new speaker, we have limited capacity to mentor you and help you prepare your talk.

We are soliciting talks on all computer security topics. For inspiration, here are a few ideas::

  • Network & Security Communications
  • Access & Identity Management
  • Digital Forensics & Incident Response
  • Threat Intelligence & Threat Hunting
  • Security and Forensics of Agentic AI and other AI-based systems
  • Cryptography
  • Security Operations
  • Software Development Security
  • Cloud, Kubernetes, and Infrastructure-as-Code Security
  • Security Engineering
  • Risk, Compliance & Security Management
  • Asset Security
  • Culture, Career, Networking, or Future in the Security Industry

Right-sizing your submission is key. If your abstract is too short or doesn’t go into enough detail, we will have a hard time judging it and are likely to reject it. All talks will be in English, so we also expect the abstract to be in English. A longer text can optionally go in the description field. If you have an outline or a full-paper, or any other comments that the program committee should read, feel free to add those to the optional notes section. The conference is in-person only, so please confirm your physical presence and, unfortunately, we do not have funding to cover any travel and accommodation costs. We will be recording the talks, but you may opt-out, in which case the cameras will be taking a break during your talk. We are aiming for 30 minute talk segments, which is 25 minutes + 5 minutes for questions and answers. If you know already that your presentation will be longer or shorter, you can add that, but we cannot guarantee that we can accommodate you.

Please submit your talk proposal via our Pretalx page by the deadline of midnight April 11, 2025.

If you have any questions, please contact us at elbsides -at-